Leadership Seminar notes

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Feb 2021 The Outer Circle of Spiritual Leadership | |
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Discipleship training seminars:
Recommended Discipleship resources

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Reading the Bible for yourself and with others is the most helpful resource. Following are several additional books that have been helpful for the discipleship group context. The list is not exhaustive, and as always, please read with discernment. If you have suggestions for additions to the list below, please let us know!
Bigney, Brad J. Gospel Treason: Betraying the Gospel with Hidden Idols, P&R Publishing, 2012.
Dever, Mark. Discipling. Crossway, 2016.
DeYoung, Kevin. Taking God At His Word. Crossway, 2014.
Gallaty, Robby. Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple that Makes Disciples. B&H, 2013.
Graustein, Karl. Growing Up Christian: Have You Taken Ownership of Your Relationship with God? P&R, 2005.
LaFleur, Tim. The Heart of a Disciplemaker. Replicate, 2017.
Lambert, Heath. A Theology of Biblical Counseling. Zondervan, 2016.
Lane, Timothy and Paul David Tripp. How People Change. New Growth Press, 2008.
Mehl, Scott. Loving Messy People: The Messy Art of Helping One Another Become More Like Jesus. Shepherd Press, 2020.
Pierre, Jeremy. The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life. New Growth Press, 2016.
Powlison, David. Seeing with New Eyes. P&R Publishing, 2003.
Scott, Stuart and Heath Lambert. Counseling the Hard Cases. B&H Academic, 2012.
Tripp, Paul David. Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands. P&R Publishing, 2002.
Welch, Edward T. Side By Side: Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love. Crossway, 2015.
Eims, Leroy. Be the Leader You Were Meant to Be. Chariot Victor Books, 1981, rep. ed.
Mohler, Albert. Conviction to Lead. Bethany House Publishers, 2012.
Anyabwile, Thabiti. What is a Healthy Church Member? Crossway, 2008.
Dever, Mark. Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, 3rd ed. Crossway, 2013.
Doran, Dave and Pearson Johnson For the Sake of His Name. SGI, 2002.
Downey, Paul E. More than Spectators: Fulfilling Your Role in the Local Church. Journeyforth, 2007.
Pettit, Steve. How to Pray 15 Minutes a Day.
MacArthur, John. Alone with God. Cook, 2010.
Miller, Paul. A Praying Life: Connectingn with God in a Distracting World. NavPress, 2017, rev. ed.
Watts, Isaac. A Guide to Prayer. Banner of Truth, 2001 rep. ed.
Abuse & Recovery
Holcomb, Lindsey and Justin. Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault. Crossway, 2011.
Viars, Steve. Putting Your Past in Its Place. Harvest House, 2011.
Welch, Edward T. Shame Interrupted: How God Lifts the Pain of Worthlessness & Rejection. New Growth Press, 2012.
Bridges, Jerry. Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts. NavPress, 2008 rep. ed.
Collier, Mardi. What Do I Know About My God? Journeyforth, 2006.
Fitzpatrick, Elyse. Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety. Harvest House, 2001.
Welch, Edward T. Running Scared: Fear, Worry, and the God of Rest. New Growth Press, 2007.
Assurance of Salvation
MacArthur, John. Saved Without a Doubt. Chariot Victor Pub., 1992.
Whitney, Donald. How Can I Be Sure I'm a Christian? NavPress, 1994.
Bridges, Jerry. Trusting God: Even When Life Hurts. NavPress, 2008 rep. ed.
Hodges, Charles D. Good Mood, Bad Mood: Help and Hope for Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Shepherd, 2013.
Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Spiritual Depression. Eerdmans, 1965.
Welch, Edward T. Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness. New Growth Press, 2011.
Homosexuality & Same-Sex Attraction
Butterfield, Rosaria. Openness Unhindered: Sexual Identity and Union with Christ. Crown & Covenant, 2015.
DeYoung, Kevin. What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? Crossway, 2015.
Hubbard, Peter. Love Into Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual, and the Church. Ambassador Intl, 2013.
Knowing God's Will
DeYoung, Kevin. Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's WIll. Moody, 2014.
Harvey, Dave. Am I Called? The Summons to Pastoral Ministry. Crossway, 2012.
Packer, J.I. Knowing God. InterVarsity Press, 2011 rep. ed.
Self-Image & Peer-Pressure
Anderson, Hannah. Made for More: An Invitation to Live in God's Image, Moody, 2014
Welch, Edward T. What Do You Think of Me? Why Do I Care? New Growth Press, 2011.
Welch, Edward T. When People are Big and God is Small. P&R, 1997.
Sin Habits, Temptation, & Pornography
Brooks, Thomas. Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices. GLH Publishing, n.d.
Lambert, Heath. Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace. Zondervan, 2013.
Lundgaard, Kris. The Enemy Within. P&R, 1998.
Lutzer, Erwin W. How to Say No to a Stubborn Habit. Chariot Victor, 1994, rep. ed.
Owen, John. Indwelling Sin in Believers. Banner of Truth, 2010, rep. ed.
Berg, Jim. Essential Virtues: Marks of the Christ-Centered Life. BJU Press, 2008.
Berg, Jim. Changed Into His Image. BJU Press, 1999.
Bridges, Jerry. The Discipline of Grace: God’s Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness. NavPress, 2006.
DeYoung, Kevin. The Hole in Our Holiness. Crossway, 2012.
MacArthur, John. How to Study the Bible. Moody, 2009, rep. ed.
Mathis, David. Habits of Grace. Crossway, 2016.
Pettit, Steve. New Life in Christ: A Study in Ephesians. Journeyforth, 2017.
Whitney, Don. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. NavPress, 1991.
Various authors, Boundless: A Guy's Guide to Marrying Well. & A Girls Guide to Marrying Well. Boundless, 2010
Lane, Timothy and Paul Tripp. Relationships: A Mess Worth Making. New Growth Press, 2006.
Needham, Kelly. Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion, Nelson Books, 2019
Sande, Ken. The Peacemaker. Baker, 2004.